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Antonio Calvani
Paola Damiani
Sergio Miranda
Lorena Montesano
Luciana Ventriglia


The work presents the results of a large experimentation carried out in Italy, which aimed to verify the advantages and sustainability of a rigorous phono-syllabic programme (Alfabeto140) compared to programmes that include marked traits of global and ideo-visual methods. The evaluation made use of tools in line with the different evolutionary phases of the reading and writing process, assessing at the pre-test the skills related to the prerequisites of reading and writing, and at the post-test those related to the acquisition of the alphabetical phase. The experimentation shows how the experimental group achieves significantly better results over 7 months of activity than the control group, with a more consistent systematic reduction of the subjects initially at risk for reading and writing difficulties, and an excellent appreciation by the teachers who have tried the programme.

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Articles - Special Issue


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