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Nandita Gurjar
Stephen Sivo


This research study examined pre-service teachers’ (N=250) intentions to adopt Twitter for professional development. The study used the Technology Acceptance Model to test research hypotheses grounded in the literature. The data were collected with a survey questionnaire and analyzed with Structural Equation Modelling. Findings indicated that ease of use, subjective norms, and perceived connectedness explained the variability in intentions to use Twitter. Perceived mobility, mediated through perceived behavioral control, explained participant differences in the perceived ease of use. Implications for stakeholders include highlighting the role subjective norms and mobile applications play in facilitating the ease of use and connectedness because both variables appear to positively impact behavioral intentions to use Twitter for professional development. Supporting pre-service teachers with self-efficacy, resources, and positive social media subjective norms will positively influence Twitter adoption for cross-cultural collaboration and professional learning. Technology adoption mediates global collaboration among educators in heralding innovation and creativity.

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Author Biography

Nandita Gurjar, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, US

The author is currently assistant professor at the University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa, US


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