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Spyridon Doukakis
Maria Niari
Chrystalla Mouza


Educators’ knowledge transformation in line with educational neuroscience principles is a crucial step to the potential improvement of educational practice. We argue that similar to other knowledge domains this transformation seems to go through five developmental stages (Recognize, Accept, Adapt, Explore and Advance), along with five - distinct but complementary - axes: curriculum implementation, student assessment, learning, teaching and access to non-invasive portable and wearable technologies for neurophysiological measurements. With regard to the aforementioned axes, research in educational neuroscience has offered important findings. In this vein, the article proposes that the development of in-service and pre-service educator knowledge on educational neuroscience could be based on the five developmental stages and according to the five axes. The aim is to prompt educators to develop the knowledge and skills they need to integrate the principles and findings of educational neuroscience in the planning of their teaching, in the teaching and assessment approaches they use, and in the collaborative endeavours with researchers in educational research activities.

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